
Friday, December 8, 2017

Athletics Zones

Hey blogging world, we recently just had athletics zones. We went to three kings reserve and versed 8 other schools. We came third place out of the whole day. In relays we came second out of all the schools.  We had so much fun on the day.
Reflection- I had so much fun on the day. I loved meeting new friends and competing against other schools. 

Here´s some photos of the day. Hope you enjoy. Please feel free to comment.

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Conroy,

    My name is Megan, and I will be one of the people blogging with you this summer for the Summer Learning Journey. Wow, it sounds like you had an amazing day and it looks like the weather was beautiful. It sounds like your school did really well at the athletic zones. Were you in the ream that came second in the relay? I always wished I could be part of the relay teams and inter-school athletics but my talents were in other sports like swimming.

    I am thrilled that you've registered for the Summer Learning Journey with us. I know it can sometimes be tricky to get started. I have included a link to the week one activities, but remember, you can do them in any order! Check out the activities on our website, and then post your responses to the activities here on your blog site.

    I am so excited to read more of your posts!

    Have a lovely day,
    Megan :)


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